No matter what type of stringed instrument you have, the nut is one of the most important parts of the overall performance, playability and tone of your instrument. It is amazing the effect of upgrading this small part will have on the health of your instrument. When nuts are worn out or poorly constructed, problems such as string buzz, fretting out and tuning performance are just a matter of time.
Graph Tech precision molds and engineers it's nuts to create the most consistent tone, string balance as well as precise string spacing to create the perfect piece for your instrument.
Passa på och köp strängar, vi har ett stort sortiment !!
Här kan du fynda varor som utgår. Rabatter 30-80 %
Kopplings kit för Strata och andra liknande gitarrer,
Komplett till en gitarr, bägge sidor.
Vintage style tunematic bridge, Chrome, with all mounting hardware !!